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Fruits of Matadero


💁‍♂️: Orkan Telhan (Mentor and Commission)

👀: Matadero Madrid, Spain, Esther Klein Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

As a technical design intern for Orkan Telhan's commission, Fruits of Matadero, I had the opportunity to engage speculative design with biodesign and robotics. The commission wanted a new way of dealing with the climate crisis: with record-setting heat waves in many parts of the world, how do we stay cool? 

In answering this question, I prototyped a novel 3-motor pipe-climbing robot under a 2-week commission deadline with custom PCB and mechatronics. The concept engages speculative design and climate change in creating a futuristic palm tree vending machine that dispenses microbial popsicles.

The robot and my designs were featured in Orkan Telhan’s Fruits of Matadero exhibition, debuting at Matadero Madrid in Spain (June - October 2019) and Esther Klein Gallery in Philadelphia (July 11-27). The exhibition was recognized on

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